How I Broke my Toe by fallling into wardrobe (watch video!) | What is Network Marketing and Why You Must Look into it?- By: Carolyne Marquita

Description : What is Network Marketing?

The principle is pretty simple. Today big corporations are spending millions of dollars on advertising, TV, magazines, billboards, and so on. A network marketing company gives away the money they would spend on promotion; among the distributors of the company.

The differences between a pyramid scheme and a network marketing company are:

Pyramid: Illegal, no bonafied product, essentially sell participation

Network marketing company: Legal, usually has an extensive product line

There are some of reasons to associate with a network marketing company; here are my top 4:

1. You Can Start Part Time

You don't risk much! Just start by finding 12 hours a week that you can devote to your business. When you start making profits you will see how much time you need to make the transition from a 'part time,' to a 'full time' network marketer.

2. Little Overhead

You could have your own home based business starting at $500. That's cheap Try opening your own restaurant, or limousine company from that amount of capital, and let me know how it went.

Actually this low overhead is one of the main reasons folks give up easily after they join. If it is easy to get in, it is also easy to get out.

3. Residual Income

You do some work once and you get paid for it years and decades later. It's all about leverage. You are earning one, small, commission from each of your team member's effort. That is where the effectiveness of building and organization comes in.

4. Economic Downfall

Many people are hurting from this economy, and if you are reading this you may very well be one of them.

There is no agreement that you will be able to keep your job in the coming years. Big corporations are not only firing people, but laying off thousands of workers at a time. Why would you wait until that occurs? Why wait until you are desperate? Why not just open something on the side? Like your own home based business?????

By the way, one of the main reasons for this economic crisis in the US: Most of the work is being outsourced overseas.

Honestly, why on Earth would I hire a programmer in the US for $50+ an hour? I can hire a top guy from India, Eastern Europe, or the Phillipines for $5-$10 an hour. Many people are sitting at home with useless (not needed) college degrees, waiting for the downfall to turn around. Well, get comfy because you will be waiting for a very long time.

Unemployment rates are skyrocketing, and crime rates are on the rise. What do all these fact tell ya?

People are hopeless. They are having to find ways to make an income from a source other than their jobs (if they still got one!)

More and more people are going to be "forced" into making money as network marketers. Like it or not.

Robert Kyosaki says that network marketing is the business model of the 21st century. Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both recommend network marketing.
Isn't time to listen now????

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Author Resource : Stop by my blog to see if network marketing is really for you.
network marketing is absolutely a game changer in how people gonna to make money online